Accumulate developers are announcing Testnet 8 Millennium – Mainnet Release Candidate 2. Named after the Millennium bridge located in London, England, Accumulate’s Testnet 8.0 includes a variety of updates.
Additionally, from this point onwards (until further notice), there will be two Testnets to make sure that third-party applications can remain stable. In addition, the DevNet will remain. The mobile application is compatible with the Beta RC1 version of the Testnet.
- Testnet Beta RC1 is Testnet 7.0
- Testnet Beta RC2 is Testnet 8.0
- DevNet is DevNet
The mobile application will point to the Testnet Beta RC1 is Testnet 7.0 endpoint, which will be compatible with the Testnet Beta RC1 branch (Develop Branch – tag cli-v1.0.0-rc1.2) in the CLI and Testnet Beta RC1 in the Explorer ( To use new features in Accumulate, connect to the Testnet Beta (8.0) Branch (Develop Branch – Tag cli-v1.0.0-rc2) in the CLI and use the Testnet Beta RC2 option in the Explorer ( To interact with the Devnet use the Develop branch in the CLI and the Devnet option in the explorer (
To switch from one branch to another in the CLI type git branch and the branch you would like to connect to. Make sure to do a git pull and go build to get the latest updates in the CLI.
Protocol Highlights
- Integrate Factom snapshot with Accumulate Genesis Tool – this will allow Accumulate to take a snapshot of Factom at a particular block height and import data into the Accumulate Genesis Block
- Allow new Factom data entries – a user can choose to write data in the same manner as a Factom data entry
- Variable fee schedule update – for multi-operation commands in Accumulate, such as sending ACME tokens to multiple outputs, each additional output will be charged a fee. Please see the change in the fee schedule below:
Accumulate Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Release Notes – 09/06/22
🚀 New
- Add height to /status
- Integrate factom snapshot with accumulate genesis tool
- Allow new Factom data entries
- Variable fee schedule update
- Limit delegation depth
- Validate validator set at Genesis
- Validate anchor and synthetic transaction keys against dn.acme/network instead of dn.acme/operators
- Route when query-tx with txid
- Send synthetic transactions as an RPC batch
🔧 Fixes
- ParseLiteAddress panics on small hex values
- getVersion is exiting with check errors when it should be returning error
- Do not allow adding a page as an authority
- Various performance improvements
- Correct configuration issue with routing transactions to DN
- Limit URL length
- Update Tendermint to 0.35.9
- Pending synthetic transactions cause performance to suffer badly
- Delegation allows replay
- StateManager.AddAuthority checks the wrong URL
- Able to Remove Delegate Entry (Only Entry) on Highest Priority Key Page
- Able to add Duplicate Keys When Creating a New Key Page
- UpdateKey doesn’t work with a delegated signature
✨ Improvements
- Add more logging to the sequence healing code
- Eliminate remote transactions
- Accumulated logs are a little too silent at startup
- Decouple API v2 from ABCI
- Query-tx API should accept the fully qualified tx ID (URL)
- Replace block index with an account
- Export the client
- Move URL package to not internal
- Remove deprecated terms